Saturday 3 May 2014


Well, this is my first post, sitting down on a Saturday Morning. I'm set up with Betfair, and im using the AGT software at the moment, which I find top notch, could possibly do with a few more graphs to be honest, but its got enough in general. I've only been paper trading so far and roughly broke even trading the Horse Pre Race, using mainly Swings, with a bit of Scalping , though my Swing Trading is better at the moment. The things ive struggled with are the same old trading issues of, getting in too late, getting out of winners too early, over trading and leaving losers run too long.

Anyway, this weekend im setting up with real money for a start on Befair money, Trading the Pre Race. Il be looking to do as many races as possible (as the wife allows, time wise really!), to get as much experience as possible, using mainly Swing Trades, and a small amount of scalping. I think ive learnt a few tricks and can read the Market fairly well, although this is just the beginning. Ill post up profit/loss every week and try to video a few trades for mine and anyone who wants to watch benefit. Ill start with a low £100 bank, with £2 stakes, and a stop loss of 15-20%, depending on how I read the market. My Risk to Reward Ratio is still a plan in action at the moment.

The posts will generally have a bit about how the Trading day went, how i felt Trading, how many Races,Trades i played, hopefully a recording of a trade and profit/loss for the day, along with anything else I fancy putting in.

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